Miyerkules, Abril 18, 2012

Common Tips For Transition Into Barefoot Running Today

If you are like most runners, you will most likely be wearing the high-end technology sport shoes that are too common nowadays. However, one thing about such shoes is that they are heavily padded especially in the heels thereby making it comfortable for you to land on the heels. However, landing on the heels is against the natural motion of running and you are bound to sustain injuries. Yet, when you switch into barefoot running, you will be able to run without sustaining injuries.

Nevertheless, it is not usually comfortable to run barefooted from the onset. In fact, any attempt to make such a change suddenly could results in serious injuries that can keep you indoors for a long time. However, if you are able to make the change gradually, it will be easier for you to make the shift into going barefooted so that you can reap the rewards.

An effortless way of transitioning into the program is to go barefooted whenever shoes are not compulsory. For example, when you are inside your home, nobody will accuse you of anything if you do not wear shoes. The same is true when you care watering the lawn or pruning the flowers. You can also walk your dog without wearing shoes.

It is also possible for you to increase the rate at which your feet become toughened when you soak them inside a bowl of saltwater. You can mix one cup of the saltwater and two cups of ordinary water into a bowl and soak your feet in it over a period of two weeks. This will ensure that you do not feel much pain when you start stepping on pebbles.

You may then start the program by having some runs on a grassy field in order for you to have a general idea of what to expect. You will naturally experience more feelings in your feet and you will feel awake in a way that you have never felt before. You should them move to tougher surfaces like paved road, a pathway or a trail.

Nonetheless, your first few runs should be for a short time and you should not cover much ground. In fact, you ought not to go for more than a half-mile distance. More so, it is not advisable for you to go for two days in a row during the initial stages. More importantly, you should not push yourself too hard; when the pain is too much you can always stop and start again another day.

You also need to swap between going barefooted on some days and wearing minimalist shoes on other days. During the early stages of the run, you should cover more distance with shoes and less distance without having shoes on. Over time, you should run more distances without shoes and less distance with shoes on your legs.

Nonetheless, you will discover that you are finding it more convenient to run without shoes than to wear shoes. When this happens, it means that your transitioning into barefoot running is already complete. One of the advantages of making this shift is that your walking and running posture will be improved.

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